13 August 2006


Saturday morning I had to teach BP, because my collegue is on holiday. As I had to get up early anyways I decided to go to BA class. My collegue asked me if I wanted to team teach .... sure why not, I still like that a lot. But in the morning BA, wow I still think that's tough. I always need some time to wake my body up. I told the people in class I really admire them, as they get out of bed for BA every saturday morning. They all had to laugh. Saturday morning is not as crowded as monday, and most people that are going to that class know me from monday's class. During upperbody conditioning I could feel the sweat run into my eyes... Everybody worked really hard, tried to jump higher, move further.... good job. Unfortunately there are not a lot of men in BA class at our club, but it was really nice to see that the 3 guys we had in class, were right in front of stage. We called them our supermen yesterday. And tough guys as they are, they stayed for BP class as well.
With BP class or RPM/Spinning you'll see a lot of men in class, but with other classes it's still mostly women. Too bad, but I think a lot of men just think that BA just some 'girly class' . HA... just to tell them BA is a high energy athletic work out, and just like the slogan for BA: 'Everything else is just a warm up' Mmmm, maybe dutch men aren't as tough as they think they are :-))). No I'm just kidding, I hope we will be able to convince more men to go to classes at the gym, because it is a lot of fun and it gives your body a great workout. When I did my BA training, there were 12 men and only 7 women, so I think that's shows it's not just a 'girly workout'.
When I went home yesterday after class I had some bad luck, it was raining so hard and I took my bike to the gym. I did not have time to wait for the rain to stop 'cause I had to work, so I was completely wet by the time I got home. If I had brought some shampoo, I could have washed my hair during my bikeride home. After work I went over to friends. We chatted, snacked, watched a movie and had a nice evening.

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