Yesterday was my B-day. Another year older again. I didn't have a big party as I am quite busy at the moment with teaching, courses, work and other fun things. I had my mom and dad over for dinner and my 2 best friends and later on a few more friends came over. The weather wasn't very nice so we all had to stay inside. Earlier, yesterday I went to the gym to do BC, as I heard on monday that they were gonna c'hange the schedule at the gym again and that I will have to start teaching BC again on monday evening. So far we have been on summer schedule, and they told me at first it would be for 12 weeks, and now they decided to get back to the regular schedule again starting monday instead of 4 weeks later. Wow, I have to rush now with learning the choreo for BC again. It'll be great teaching BC again. Tonight I'm planning to video my BP class, just to assess myself. Tomorrow I will have a training for a demo at the 'Fitvak Dagen' in Utrecht in october, right before my holiday. This weekend I will be going to the Les Mills AIM training. Really looking forward to that. Oh and before I forget, somewhere in between I have to work as well :-).
I'm off to the gym now, to get the video set up etc. Talk to ya later!
31 August 2006
20 August 2006
New Releases
Yesterday I went to the quarterly workshops. Good sessions for the workshops and awesome masterclasses again. The BP workshop was a really good one and also very usefull information to help participants in our classes. Bodypump is all about great body posture and this release is focussing on activating the 'core'. This will help you to get strong posture and a stable base before you start lifting your weights. I really enjoyed BP, this was the first release done by Glen as choreographer and I'd like to say: Good job Glen. I will have a good time.
BA was good as always. I like it when it's presented by Karin and Daniel. Both are pretty tall and that looks good on stage. Warm up track is "Be there" from which I think it's a good opening, it just tells you you've got to be there for this BA class. Track 3 will bring us to Brazil, which cheers you up when it starts to get tough. "Everybody on the floor" brings us to the first peak, and after that we actually get to go down on the floor for some upperbody conditioning. Then after the running track and the split room, we get to go to the interval track. For the people who do BP as well, it's a familiar one: "Everytime we Touch", but just in a higher speed. It gives lots of kicks followed by the 2nd and final power peak in track 9. You can't do anything else then 'Go deep'. Then some lower bodywork, which you should not forget and ofcourse the cooldown. It was great. Thanks Lisa and thanks Karin and Daniel for a great masterclass. Also the workshop session had some good info which helps us to get better and help our participants improve as well.
By the time I had to do BC, I was so tired and the inside temperature had raised to about 40 degrees I think and we couldn't open the doors because of the noise. I didn't manage to do full BC class, I only had breakfast so far, so after track 6 I could see little stars in front of my eyes. I decided that that wasn't the way to go, so I decided to watch the rest of BC as I had to assess the last BP masterclass after the BC class. Pretty tough doing BA and BC without any rest in between, especially w/o any oxygen in the room. It was actually kind a neat to watch the BC presentation. Claudia and Daniel always have nice presenations together. It's very inspiring. Unfortunately I wasn't able to go the workshop as it was at the same time as BA. I know the workshop had some special attention for the jab, which I think is good as this a move frequently done in BC.
I also think the general workshop on coaching is a good one. It will make us more of a coach instead of an instructor. How to become a mastercoach? What do you think, will make someone a good instructor/mastercoach? What brings you back to your groupfitness class everytime? There can be so many things, but when you have a lousy instructor in front of you, who isn't motivated, doesn't move properly, or isn't able to communicate with you, most people will probably not come back after the first time in class. Well there are 10 things for us as coaches, we need to work on. Some come naturally, some you have to work on, but practise gives results even for us as coaches.
Have fun with the new releases, even though it might be a while before they will be launched at our club. It gives me a while to learn 'm :-)
BA was good as always. I like it when it's presented by Karin and Daniel. Both are pretty tall and that looks good on stage. Warm up track is "Be there" from which I think it's a good opening, it just tells you you've got to be there for this BA class. Track 3 will bring us to Brazil, which cheers you up when it starts to get tough. "Everybody on the floor" brings us to the first peak, and after that we actually get to go down on the floor for some upperbody conditioning. Then after the running track and the split room, we get to go to the interval track. For the people who do BP as well, it's a familiar one: "Everytime we Touch", but just in a higher speed. It gives lots of kicks followed by the 2nd and final power peak in track 9. You can't do anything else then 'Go deep'. Then some lower bodywork, which you should not forget and ofcourse the cooldown. It was great. Thanks Lisa and thanks Karin and Daniel for a great masterclass. Also the workshop session had some good info which helps us to get better and help our participants improve as well.
By the time I had to do BC, I was so tired and the inside temperature had raised to about 40 degrees I think and we couldn't open the doors because of the noise. I didn't manage to do full BC class, I only had breakfast so far, so after track 6 I could see little stars in front of my eyes. I decided that that wasn't the way to go, so I decided to watch the rest of BC as I had to assess the last BP masterclass after the BC class. Pretty tough doing BA and BC without any rest in between, especially w/o any oxygen in the room. It was actually kind a neat to watch the BC presentation. Claudia and Daniel always have nice presenations together. It's very inspiring. Unfortunately I wasn't able to go the workshop as it was at the same time as BA. I know the workshop had some special attention for the jab, which I think is good as this a move frequently done in BC.
I also think the general workshop on coaching is a good one. It will make us more of a coach instead of an instructor. How to become a mastercoach? What do you think, will make someone a good instructor/mastercoach? What brings you back to your groupfitness class everytime? There can be so many things, but when you have a lousy instructor in front of you, who isn't motivated, doesn't move properly, or isn't able to communicate with you, most people will probably not come back after the first time in class. Well there are 10 things for us as coaches, we need to work on. Some come naturally, some you have to work on, but practise gives results even for us as coaches.
Have fun with the new releases, even though it might be a while before they will be launched at our club. It gives me a while to learn 'm :-)
18 August 2006
Bob the Builder
Wow, am I tired or what. 2 Days of working at the house. Luckily I had Bob the Builder helping me. Actually it was my dad who was helping, but that's about the same, except for the fact he doesn't look like Bob :-). A couple of weeks ago I have restyled my balcony and now it was time for my kitchen. Yesterday and today we have been working on it ... and now it's almost finished. I'm very happy with my 'new' restyled kitchen. I'm not much of a cook, so I did not want to spent to much money on a completely new kitchen, and I'm very happy with teh things my dad was able to do. My work was mostly getting the stuff from the store and holding everything on the right spot. Carry stuff back and forth etc .... but still, I can feel my legs. Only a few details left, and some painting to do, but that I can handle myself. When that's finished, I still have another project to go... a new floor in the house. Only that won't be on a short notice....First I will be going on holiday to New Zealand.
Tomorrow I'm going to the quarterly. Looking forward to that. I hope I will have a good night rest, so I won't be as tired as I'm now. I hope I will see some people I know, as I won't be going to Nieuwegein now, but to Roosendaal. Usually I am going to Nieuwegein, because it's closer to home, but next week I have to work so I'm not able to go to all workshops. So I will only be assessing in Nieuwegein. Sunday I have to work again. It's good to have had a few days off of work.
Tomorrow I'm going to the quarterly. Looking forward to that. I hope I will have a good night rest, so I won't be as tired as I'm now. I hope I will see some people I know, as I won't be going to Nieuwegein now, but to Roosendaal. Usually I am going to Nieuwegein, because it's closer to home, but next week I have to work so I'm not able to go to all workshops. So I will only be assessing in Nieuwegein. Sunday I have to work again. It's good to have had a few days off of work.
13 August 2006
Saturday morning I had to teach BP, because my collegue is on holiday. As I had to get up early anyways I decided to go to BA class. My collegue asked me if I wanted to team teach .... sure why not, I still like that a lot. But in the morning BA, wow I still think that's tough. I always need some time to wake my body up. I told the people in class I really admire them, as they get out of bed for BA every saturday morning. They all had to laugh. Saturday morning is not as crowded as monday, and most people that are going to that class know me from monday's class. During upperbody conditioning I could feel the sweat run into my eyes... Everybody worked really hard, tried to jump higher, move further.... good job. Unfortunately there are not a lot of men in BA class at our club, but it was really nice to see that the 3 guys we had in class, were right in front of stage. We called them our supermen yesterday. And tough guys as they are, they stayed for BP class as well.
With BP class or RPM/Spinning you'll see a lot of men in class, but with other classes it's still mostly women. Too bad, but I think a lot of men just think that BA just some 'girly class' . HA... just to tell them BA is a high energy athletic work out, and just like the slogan for BA: 'Everything else is just a warm up' Mmmm, maybe dutch men aren't as tough as they think they are :-))). No I'm just kidding, I hope we will be able to convince more men to go to classes at the gym, because it is a lot of fun and it gives your body a great workout. When I did my BA training, there were 12 men and only 7 women, so I think that's shows it's not just a 'girly workout'.
When I went home yesterday after class I had some bad luck, it was raining so hard and I took my bike to the gym. I did not have time to wait for the rain to stop 'cause I had to work, so I was completely wet by the time I got home. If I had brought some shampoo, I could have washed my hair during my bikeride home. After work I went over to friends. We chatted, snacked, watched a movie and had a nice evening.
With BP class or RPM/Spinning you'll see a lot of men in class, but with other classes it's still mostly women. Too bad, but I think a lot of men just think that BA just some 'girly class' . HA... just to tell them BA is a high energy athletic work out, and just like the slogan for BA: 'Everything else is just a warm up' Mmmm, maybe dutch men aren't as tough as they think they are :-))). No I'm just kidding, I hope we will be able to convince more men to go to classes at the gym, because it is a lot of fun and it gives your body a great workout. When I did my BA training, there were 12 men and only 7 women, so I think that's shows it's not just a 'girly workout'.
When I went home yesterday after class I had some bad luck, it was raining so hard and I took my bike to the gym. I did not have time to wait for the rain to stop 'cause I had to work, so I was completely wet by the time I got home. If I had brought some shampoo, I could have washed my hair during my bikeride home. After work I went over to friends. We chatted, snacked, watched a movie and had a nice evening.
10 August 2006
This morning I woke up with the radio playing 'From Paris to Berlin...', and because I still like that song I decided to play it as this evenings squat track during pump class. Somehow this song reminds me of my holiday earlier this year in New Zealand. I got to present the track in Susan's BP class when I was in Auckland. I was really glad that I was able to teach day my own BP class today. Actually I had to work, and I had some difficulties to change my shift to an earlier shift. Usually I have a collegue at the gym with whom I can switch a class, but she's on holiday now and I realized that a bit late. I was very happy a found someone last monday who could work for me, so I had the day off today, and I will be working saturday evening. I'm really thankfull to her, especially when I found out it was chaos at the airport, because of terrorist threats at London Heathrow airport. I heard all flights to London Heathrow were delayed or cancelled, so that always gives us unhappy passengers, who usually do not want to understand that this is for their own safety and that we do not cancel flights to just tease them. When things like this happen it always costs a lot of money for the airline, so we are not pleased either. I'll find out tomorrow how the situation was today.
I enjoyed my day off, did some stuff at home, went out to check out some things as I want to fix up my kitchen and the floor in my house. Got some nice ideas, so this will be happening in the next few months. I won't be able to do everything in a short time as I still want to go on holiday as well :-). I went to gym around 6pm, I had to teach the abdominal class (15 min) as well. Pump class started at 7pm. It was crowded, and again I was very happy that I could teach my own class. I don't really like to skipp my own class, but sometimes I do have to because of work. At the airport I have a couple of nice collegues who always try to help me out, so it doesn't happen very often that I have to skipp class. When I started teaching the thursday evening, it wasn't a very full class, but I'm glad it is now. It's always good to see the familiar faces again, working hard and challenging themselves. You can see the faces in pain, working their butts of and then, just by giving them some attention, getting this smile from them. With that smile they just let me know that they haven't died yet :-) Todays class felt good, found an old bicep track with Robbie's 'Let me entertain you' and ofcourse DJ Tiesto is still awesome for lunges. I could feel my own legs riding my bike home. Oh oh and in 2 weeks I have to teach a spinning class right after thursday's BP class. I'm not certified to teach RPM, so when I'm substituting I always teach freestyle spinning. It has been a while for me teaching spinning. so my but will probably be sore then. I have to go check out my closet to find my biker shorts, that'll help being less painfull. Well, I'm off to bed now. Sleep tight.
I enjoyed my day off, did some stuff at home, went out to check out some things as I want to fix up my kitchen and the floor in my house. Got some nice ideas, so this will be happening in the next few months. I won't be able to do everything in a short time as I still want to go on holiday as well :-). I went to gym around 6pm, I had to teach the abdominal class (15 min) as well. Pump class started at 7pm. It was crowded, and again I was very happy that I could teach my own class. I don't really like to skipp my own class, but sometimes I do have to because of work. At the airport I have a couple of nice collegues who always try to help me out, so it doesn't happen very often that I have to skipp class. When I started teaching the thursday evening, it wasn't a very full class, but I'm glad it is now. It's always good to see the familiar faces again, working hard and challenging themselves. You can see the faces in pain, working their butts of and then, just by giving them some attention, getting this smile from them. With that smile they just let me know that they haven't died yet :-) Todays class felt good, found an old bicep track with Robbie's 'Let me entertain you' and ofcourse DJ Tiesto is still awesome for lunges. I could feel my own legs riding my bike home. Oh oh and in 2 weeks I have to teach a spinning class right after thursday's BP class. I'm not certified to teach RPM, so when I'm substituting I always teach freestyle spinning. It has been a while for me teaching spinning. so my but will probably be sore then. I have to go check out my closet to find my biker shorts, that'll help being less painfull. Well, I'm off to bed now. Sleep tight.
02 August 2006
How cruel can one be?

2 Years ago I was on holiday in Peru and I'm very happy I'm still here. We were driving in a bus when all of a sudden a white pickup truck pulled over right in front of the bus. 4 Guys with guns jumped out of the truck and came in the bus. I was sitting in the front seat with 2 of the guys right in front of me. They were pointing their guns at me and my friend and you can imagine, I wasn't very comfortable sitting there. They took us to some place far from the larger road, so they could take their time. They were not satisfied with some money. They have been going through our stuffs for at least 3 hours while were laying down in the sand next to the bus. I will not tell you all details as that will be too difficult for me. In total there were six men and they took so much of our stuff. Money passports, camera's. Then they stabbed the tires of the bus and left. I happened it the first half of my holiday and I decided that since they already took so much of my stuff, I didn't want them to take the rest of my holiday. The whole group stayed and we were of good support to eachother. I'm very glad I finished my holiday as planned. Ofcourse I look back to this holiday with mixed feelings, but I can tell you I still think it's a beautyfull country with also lots of nice people. When I look back I think it was just a matter of timing: being on the wrong place at the wrong time. Ofcourse I have had very difficult time after this, especially with trusting people. When I walk on the streets and a person keeps walking right behind me, it still gives me the creeps. Now 2 years later, I have learned a lot from this experience. The most important thing is, as I have mentioned above... enjoy your life! Do the things you like and don't postpone them. You never know if you will be able to them later. The story of my collegue made me realize it again. Take care.
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