Left home on Friday already as Saturdaymorning 09.00 am was BC Masterclasses. I didn't feel like driving almost 2 hours before that, so Claudia and I booked a room in the Koningshof from Friday. Ofcourse I still had to tell her all about NZ, so also because of that it was way better to go on Friday :-)
So Saturdaymorning BC34 was the kick off for the Mega Quarterly 2007. The releases weren't very big surprises for me this time as I had seen and even done some of 'm in NZ during GFX. But still it was great, it's good to see our own Dutch and Belgium trainers present.
I like the combo in track 6 with the side kick, knee, back kick.
After BC class I went on to BP with Susan and Steve. I always like it when they are presenting. I always learn a lot from them. During biceps Karin and Jan came on stage and did the BP dance with Susan and Steve haha ... was so much fun to watch.
Then Claudia talked me into doing BV. Actually I planned to rest for an hour because I still had BB and BA ahead of me ... but anyway .... who cares .....it sounded like fun. I don;t teach BV, but I really like the music. And since I was really sore from my classes on Thursday I figured it would be better to keep moving instead of sitting down. Christel and Patricia made it a lot of fun. I like the BV music and I can imagine it's a lot of fun teaching the class. It's very social and you get to talk and connect with the members a lot.

Then of to BB with Christel and Hadewych. I love the ending of track 9... left and right splits..... I could still do 'm... Yessss. Great music choice, good excercises. I had my BB module training with Hadewych. She's pregnant now and it's unbelievable what she can still do with only 7 weeks to go. You go girl. I love it when the Belgium trainers teach BB, they always sound so friendly with the soft G they use in Belgium. I also love the follow up cues Hadewych uses.
Well after BB it's time for my favourite class. I could feel the energy coming. Lisa was presenting with Karin and Daniel ..... awesome team. Found a good spot on the first row, together with some other assessors. It was great.... the energy ran through my whole body and I had the feeling I cold go on 4 ever. WIth track eight we had 3 slovenians coming on stage, they are also on the DVD presentation in track 8 and with track 9 Lisa pulled me on stage .... COOL! with2 more people. It was awesome. Just another energy boast!!!

Since I had all the energy going on, I decided to do BS class as well. Claudia and Cecile together with the Mam to be be, Susan. Amazing what she still can do. The did a terrific job and with the party step they changed into their 70's outfit .... FUN!!! By the time we got to the power track...my light turned off .... I had to stick with the option so prevent from falling of the step. But anyway.... it was great.

We went to get a quick and unhealthy dinner .... changed into our Pirate outfit .... and it was Partytime. Buffalo .... Haka.... drinks, more drinks... dance more dance .....and sore feet.

Next day ..... I only managed to do one BA class... was jsut too tired to do more ... haha. Stayed and watched BS and another BA class and then went home. The next weeks will be pretty busy..... I will have to do a lot of preparation for an audition day and also learn the new releases in between.... will also cover some classes at other clubs and work @ KLM has started again too.......Back to reality haha.... it's good to be home (for now)!
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