23 April 2007

Another monday

Wow, this weekend was great. Beautiful weather, out on the water. Enjoyed the sun, it almost felt like a holiday. Deng....too bad I got back in this world at 5.30 am this morning. That's when the unpleasant beep of my alarm woke me up. I decided to take my bike to work as the busdrivers are on strike today between 09.00 and 16.00, and parking with a 7.00am shift is quite difficult. Taking the bus to work would mean there's no way back untill 16.00 and since my shift ends at 13.30 I thought I might as well hop on my bike. Had this awesome, but painfull sliding on my bike when I got to the airport and wanted to make a turn. Not funny, as my steer got loose and didn't work anymore. Luckily I was close to the place where I can put my bike, and luckily I wasn't hit by a car. My dear daddy hopped on his bike later in the morning and fixed my steer, so I could ride my bike home. That was quite an experience at 6.30 in the morning.
Tonight it's LM time again. It has been a while since my last monday class. Due Easter and my holiday my last monday classes were 3 weeks ago ..... I'm looking forward to it again. Somehow monday is always special. It really feels like my monday :-), even though I don't teach all the classes. People are always excited in BA very outgoing, yelling, ding all the fun stuff. It's easy to get them to work hard. Also for BP, when we do team-teach. So I'm all ready for tonight.

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