Merry Christmas
Vrolijk Kerstfeest
Feliz Navidad
Frohe Weihnachten
Joyeux Noël
Boas Festas
I had quite a busy day at work today and I got home late from the Airport. Had to rush to get my stuff, packed my bag got changed and hopped on my bike to go to the gym. When I got there I noticed I just brought my Ipod, but did not bring the connections to get it to the stereo... shoot! Luckily I always bring my CD's so I was able to mix tracks. I had just started the warm up .. and then ... wow... did I get a surprise or what! Santa just walked into my class and he joined us! He sort of looked like he could use some exercise :-). He was a bit chubby hahaha..... He first started checking if everyone was trying their best and then he grabbed his barbell and started doing the squat track with us. He did quite a good job, but I noticed Santa usually tries harder in my class. I think he had put the weight around his waist instead of on his barbell! It was funny element in class today which my collegue Bogdan added by dressing up in his blown up plastic Santa costume. Too bad I didn't bring my camera :-(
Got some pictures from last years X-mas workout though:
Yesterday evening I taught my own BP class, this morning I was the instructor had an emergency at home so I did this morning's BP class as well. And tonight .... AGAIN! I wouldn't advise anyone to do so many BP classes so close in a row, but sometimes that's just the way to go for an instructor. Yesterday it was just my regular monday evening. Always fun and pleasure. Also BA and BC. BA we had a special one: X-mas Attack... just to do some pre-work for the christmas dinner next week :-) Me and my collegue dressed up as Santa's. We also did a few tracks of BA55. We have the launch 11 januari, but just as a surprise for our attackers we did a few tracks! We also did some promoting of BJ. Whaaaa, imagine me ....doing BJ, HA. But after a long (very long) practise I managed to shadow 2 BJ tracks and even had it look a little like BJ. I think the people liked it, so that's a good start for the BJ. So far we didn't have BJ on the schedule, so starting 15 jan 07 (when the new schedule starts) we will have BJ as well.
Tonight, I will be joining a friend of mine at Achmea, to do BA & BP launch classes. Looking forward to it. I'll be leaving soon, cause it's quite a drive and don't want to get stuck in the traffic.
On my way I also have to stop at the uniform department from KLM, to finally get my new skirts. Since I started working at the airport I lost some weight and also some centimetres around the hips :-)))))))
Every dream is as real as you choose to make it. You're as young or as old as you think yourself to be.
Those things you sincerely expect will find their way to you. Those things you most fondly imagine will relentlessly pull you forward.
The love you give away will always be with you. Everything for which you are sincerely grateful will grow stronger and more abundant.
Your intentions will be fulfilled when you give them true purpose. Your goals will be reached when they come from your heart.
This day will bring fulfillment when you choose to allow it. This life will be rich when you give your best to it.
What do you choose in the innermost depth of your being? That is what life will surely become.
A lot of people set goals in life. These could be short term goals but also long time goals. In teaching most instructors also set goals. In teaching you can also have short term and long term goals, but there are more.There is a self-focus goal. It's personal and it's a valid goal, but within teaching your class it's not the most important goal, as this only concerns you and in teaching the class, an instructor should not put his/herself in first place.Next to this, there is a group-focus goal. This goal relates to the participants in your class. Something like: I'd like my participants to have fun in this class, or I'd like my participants to feel involved in this class. This way the class won't be like one-way traffic, but there will be communication between you and the people in your class. People will notice a difference between the moment you just teach a class or when you are teaching with a strong/positive goal. They will feel you are there for them.You use words to communicate with people, but it's the energy and passion behind it which counts and actually delivers the message.And then of course there are the program-focus goals. Each of the LM programs has it's own goal and it's own unique selling points. It's the focus and feel of the program. We as instructors should be able to transfer thesecharacteristics of each program to our participants. Strength & power in BODYPUMP and high energy & athletic moves in BODYATTACK. Within the programs we also have our track-focus goals. These can be combined very well with the group focus goals. For example: In BA track 1 I'd like my participants to warm up and enjoy being able to work out together. In BA track 3, to have fun, work hard and push their fitness levels in the superman. Good thing is that LM actually helps us instructors to set these track goals. So for instructors, who find it hard to set these goals, listen well to the DVD and read the choreo. It helps you, and that way you will be able to help your members to have an even greater experience than they already have in your class.
I found this on an english website about our "Sinterklaas". It might explain some more about our Dutch tradition....
St. Nicolaas, more fondly known as "Sinterklaas" arrives each year in the Netherlands around mid November. The saint, who travels from Spain by steamboat, is accompanied by his white horse and his knight, Black Peter (Zwarte Piet), as well as several "help" Peters. Legend goes that Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet travel over the roofs of the Dutch houses at night. The Dutch children put their shoes (used to be wooden shoes) in front of the fire place. They sing songs and provide a carrot or hay for the horse. At night Zwarte Piet puts gifts and candy in it. On the evening of December 5th, Dutch families celebrate Sinterklaas' birthday (the name day of St. Nicolas is December 6th). For the smallest children, who still believe, a loud knock on the door signifies the arrival of Sinterklaas. Simultaneously, candy is thrown from upstairs by Zwarte Piet. When the door is opened, a large bag full of gifts waits on the front step.
Oh, I can remember the excitement very well!
For the older kids and adults, the tradition takes on a different turn. One way to celebrate the evening is as follows: Each gift is concealed in a "surprise" (pronounced the French way). A surprise is a gag. For example, a small present is hidden in a surprise. You make something from paper or wood or old boxes which really has to do with that person. For example I used to be a swimmer and some one made me a swimmingpool from paper and box with little puppets in there doing Synchro. Once I also got a plastic tub, with lines on the bottom and filled with water. My present was on the bottom and I had to 'dive' for it. It was really made as swimmingpool. The surprise does not have to be big, it can just touch on a weakness or vice of the receiver. The surprise is accompanied by a teasing poem. Around Sinterklaas, even the most prozaic Dutch become accomplished poets! It's a lot of fun.
Another way to celebrate the tradition is a special game played with a big dice. This is the way I spent the evening for the last couple of years. Actually we allready did it yesterday, as we all had different things to do 5 dec. This is the way it goes. You each buy 4 small nice gifts and take 1 gift f
rom just anything you want to get rid of. Something old or ugly out of your house, or something really weird or funny. You wrap all presents. I for example took some old coffee mugs which I never use and which are very ugly (that's why I never use 'm). All presents are put together all you start throwing the dice. Every time you throw 6, you may pick a gift and unwrap it. You might pick something nice, but you may also have bad luck and pick 1 of the 'trash' gifts. This could take quite some time, but it's fun already. When all presents are unwrapped, the game actually starts. All number but the 6 on the dice mean something:
1: You may pick any gift from some else
2: pick 2 names out of the bowl with names: the 1st name has to give a present to the 2nd name
3: pick a gift from someone and give it to another person
4: everyone has to give 1 gift to the person on his/hers left hand side
5: pick an instruction from the bowl with instructions
6: nothing
The clock is set when the game starts (for about an hour), when the time is over you're stuck with the presents you've got at that time. It's so much fun, when you finally think you have the gift you really like, you have to switch seats for example. In the instruction bowl there can be instructions like that, or like give all your presents to your fellow players and you may pick 3 gifts from anyone. Or switch seat with the person on your right side. Or each person has to put a gift in the middle and the first person who throws 6 gets all the gifts. You usually end up with a lot of 'trash' gifts at that time.
We have been doing this game for a few times now. The first time we played it
someone brought in a very ugly musical thing. It's a glass horse on a silver bottom and it plays the song it's a small world after all. And ofcourse this year it was there again. Nobody wantsit so tries to get rid of it all the time. We finally ended up with everyone having something they really liked so that was good. It was a fun evening, we were all acting like little kids hoping to get our favourite present.
Yesterday I mixed some pretty old tracks in BP class. I used a couple of tracks of BP43. It had been quite a while since I did these tracks and I think for most people it was a completely new workout. I used the warm up track, Squat track (ready to go), Tricep track (ain't it funny) and the shoulder track (we will survive) all of BP43. I just love pushups :-) so this shoulder track is made for me :-) It starts with pushups and it ends with pushups. Since nobody could remember this track they all had a very nice surprise. The already thought the squat track was pretty hard with lots and lots of singles....... Few people joined me on the toes with all the pushups... good job you guys!
On the 5th december we celebrate "Sinterklaas". You can just about compare it with Santa Claus. 2 Weeks b4 the 5 dec, Sinterklaas comes from Spain with his helpers (Zwarte Piet). Children are allowed to put their shoe in front of the fireplace and the next day they might have gotten a present. Only if they have been nice for the past year ofcourse. All naughty kids have a chance to be taken in the big bag (were Sinterklaas usuaully brings his presents in) back to Spain. The picture you see is last year, when I was one of SInterklaas' helpers, Zwarte Piet. I did that together with my niece at the house of one of my collegues. Zwarte Piet is always a bit naughty and is allowed to do just about everything... haha, we had a great time filling in that role on 5 dec last year. My niece was 12 at that time and for her it was the first time she did it.
Well this story just to tell you, as a few people in yesterday's BP class, just told me Sinterklaas will probably take me back to Spain, together with all the naughty children, since I made yesterday's BP class pretty hard... I told them I wouldn't really mind, as the weather in Spain is probably way better than it is here. At least it will be warmer than it is here in Holland right now :-)
Yesterday evening I also did Bodybalance. I want to take as many BB classes before I get to do BB Module training in January. After BB, my collegue was going to train for his BJ. I'm not a jammer, but I decided to join him. Believe it or not, but I actually had fun. Most moves are way to difficult for me, but I could sort of follow the salsa/latin part. Maybe I'm even going to take a few classes when we launch it it january.
After the gym I had to go to my parents house. My washing machine broke down last week and I heard this afternoon, they cannot repair it anymore. My new one will be delivered saturday. My mom is doing my laundry now for over a week. I'm glad my parents live close to me, as I can't imagine washing all my clothes by hand. I have so much stuff just after one evening of teaching...... Only one more day .....