12 March 2007

Spring is in the air...

... and it gives me heaps of energy :-)!!! I just love it, the sun is shining and it makes me happy.
Last week I taught 3 hrs BA, also had my BP classes, did some practice for BA release 56, which I just love. Friday afternoon it cleared up after a week of rain, rain and some rain. I went out for dinner with a friend in Leiden Friday evening (Spanish tapa's). Saturday morning I planned to sleep in, but woke up at 06.30 and noticed the sun was shining. First I didn't want to get out of bed 'cause it was so early, but then I did, as I was restless. Had some breakfast, went to the gym, did BA team teach, went home, grabbed my bike and went for a bike ride, just to enjoy the sun. I took my regular bike, so it was more of an easy ride. All together it was about 40km. Saturday evening I did nothing, relaxed, watched TV etc. Sunday I turned my living room into a gym and did an hour of BA 56 :-), then took a shower, hopped on my bike again and went to Haarlem, where I met some friends for an English high tea. Good thing I took my bike instead of the car.... the high tea was good, but so also really bad.... (you know what I mean). The sun was shining again and it was so nice to be outside again. I just love the good weather. There were people everywhere, riding bikes, walking, people on skeelers, everyone was enjoying the sun.
Today the weather was good as well. I woke up this morning at 4.45 to go to work, so I had the afternoon off. When I came home I made myself comfortable in the doorway, sitting in the sun, where I couldn't feel the wind. Tried to read my book, but fell asleep for about 1 1/2.... it was good. Then I prepared a new mix for BP class this evening. I just heard I will be doing my BA class all by myself as my colleague can't make it. Too bad, but anyway I will make it a good class and make sure everyone has fun and works their butt off :-)
Talk to ya later...

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