23 August 2009
21 August 2009
Beach babes KLM
16 July 2009
Long time ago....
Maybe not a lot of interesting stuff to tell, too busy to make time, it's summer and the weather has been awesome. I have been working a lot at KLM, but also teaching my classes, ding module training and quarterlies...... mmmmm more excuses, or didn't I just feel like writing.
Well I don't know, but here I am again.
Pompadour was awesome, my very first trainer summit. It was very much worth it. I had a great time and learned so much.
First hous and hours in the bus going to Pompadour, then when were finally able to sleep, thinking that would be for about 2 hours, but it appeared to be only 5 mins, as there was a BP Masterclass straight away. So without any sleep, I got up from the bed again, took a shower an went straight into BP 71 ... Then a full day of workshops practising and finally presenting. Man, I was nervous..... presenting as 'baby' trainer, on a huge stage with so many experienced trainers, DVD presenters and even Phillips Mills and Steven Renata in the class. And ofcourse in english, without any sleep ...... I think I can be proud of myself that I did it...... Yeah!!!
The next day was about the same, but then for BA. I did not present BA as each trainer was only presenting one program.
Both evenings filled with parties and lots of buffalo's :-)
It was awesome!!!!!
Further on, I have been enjoying this great summer we have here this year. Going to the beach, spending time at the boat of my parents. Staying up late, eating out in the backyard with friends, drinking wine and then thinking: man, I gotta get up at 4.30 to go to work again.....
Yep that's life here at the moment.
I am preparing now for the quarterlies coming up in August. Last week I received BP71, now I'm learning choreo again. Almost got the whole thing.
Another thing, I have started running, yessss, running. Can't say I really like it, but it's a good training for BA and BS. And I will be taking part in the WARR. This is a race which is organized in the airline industry yearly and now is organized in China, Hangzhou, near Shanghai. One of my colleagues has been participating for a couple of years now, and she kept asking if I wanted to join her. Since I had never run b4, this never seemed to be a good idea. But this year I decided it would be agood thing to train for. I will be doing the 10k run. It'll be fun, but it's still a struggle for me to go get up and run. Once I'm running I'm okay, and I do kind or like it then. But just te moment of getting up, change and get my running shoes .... mmmmm. Will I ever get over this?
Well next time a bit more about this. Now I have to go change and go get my bike to go to the gym. BP and BA tonight.... which is no struggle :-)
24 May 2009
Well gotta go pack
21 March 2009
Loving BP
All different people with different expectations, but all with one goal: Become a certified BP instructor. To share my passion with these people, try to make them as crazy about BP as I am. I just can't describe this feeling. I'm already looking forward to tomorrow. Day 2, where the instructors get to do their thing, we pass the steeringwheel on to them. 2 Presentations and a Challenge!!!. It's going to be a tough day! But so many instructors make it through, so I'm convinced this group will survive to. We are there to help them out. The challenge is something amazing. It really is a challenge, and every BP instructor in the whole world has done it!!!! Can you believe that?! Each instructor from today's module is now studying his/her track. All being nervous. SOme have teaching experience, but for other's it's going to be their first presentation. It ain't going to be easy, but with effort from both sides they will all come a long way! For some 3 days is not enough, and they will have the opportunity to do this third day again. It doesn't matter. We encourage them to continue and don't give. After all it took me four exams to get my driver's lisence :-(
Keep working, keep Pumping!
19 February 2009
13 February 2009
Too fast...
This trip went by too fast. Man, 3 weeks ago I was still in San Fran, and now I'm back home.
A trip which left me with lots of beautiful memories again. I'm only home for a couple of hours, but I already miss New Zealand, Les Mills, all the great inspiring people, and ofcourse the sun!
But to be honest it feels good to be at home as well. Looking forward to our Dutch Quarterlies. Tomorrow will be the first one. I won't be presenting untill Vleuten, but I will do live assesment for BP and BA. Probably will do BS and BB to work out a little after all this sitting on the airplane for 2 days .... mmmmm
But to get back to New Zealand. It was a great trip... What have we done???!!!!
- Surfing @ Piha beach
- Winery/wine tasting Waiheke Island
- Day trip Bay of Islands (dolphin boat trip)
- Day trip to Rotorua (Hot springs, Maori Culture)
- Auckland Museum and a citywalk
- Going out, having great dinners with good company
- Mission Bay many times
- Lots of Les Mills classes including Filming
Sounds pretty good doesn't it?? Well I'm going to relax a little now and will try to stay awake untill the evening so I can get back to Dutch time asap.
05 February 2009
Dutchies teaching with Susan
First time was last monday at 06.10am and also yesterday and 7.10am.
Still have to get used at working out this early,but I am amazed by the fact that there are so many people taking these early classes.
The dedication kiwi's have for sports and working out is something I really love. What I try to tell at home that working out makes you feel fitter and give you more energy is something that the Kiwi's know for a fact and enjoy doing because they know they will feel better and more energized. It's just great. And ofcourse it was very special to be teaching with our half dutchie Susan. A lot of internationales were still there as well so we had dutchies in the class as well as the whole canadian team in front row. Argentina and mexico were represented as well so it was good to see them
After class we got some coffee and left with all the dutchies and Anni to Waiheke Island. What a prettyt Island it is. We had a great lunch, wine tastery and also spent time on the beach. At 05.45 pm it was time to take the ferry back to the city so we would be on time for dinner.
A great day again.
Today will be the last day with the agency and then Karin and I will stay here with Jos and Dennis to enjoy our holiday even more.
30 January 2009
So good to be back!!!
We arrived at 04.15 am and got to the appartments around 07.00am. We went straight on all day long. Did shopping, alked around the city, ofcourse joined Jan for BB and we also did BP.
BP70 is the most awesome release I think so far. For track 1 -10 all songs are great. I really must say... Glen you rock! BB is also very nice. Jan did very very well is his filiming class yesterday. He said he wasn't nervous at all....... amazing hey. The whole balance team looked good. They really were a team all the way thru. BP was jsut great. Jos and Dennis have arrived as well just on time for filming so they joined teh classes as well.
Yesterday evening we went for dinner with them. They got in in the afternoon went straight into filming classes after en 29hour flight and then of to dinner. The sent us a text this morning .... wide awake at 0600am ..... well we were to while we slept for about 5 hours orso ...hhahaha
Today is just an easy day. karin wasn;t feeling to good this morning, so I went to walk around on my own for a bit. I will do a BS class this afternoon and after that drinks at LMI with the Internationals and the rest of the Dutchies. We haven't seen them, except for Jos and Dennis.
We'll see.
I'm just loving every minute of my time here.
26 January 2009
Shopping in San Francisco
When we arrived in SFO we got our car and drove to the city. Our hotel was close to Fisherman's Wharf so that's where we spent the rest of the afternoon. Whit 9 hour time difference we went to bed at around nine but still weren't abl to sleep all teh way thru. We woke up early and had breakfast as soon as it was possible (06.30am) The we got in the car and drove to Gilroy. A huge premium outlet over there with over 145 shops. I think we saw just about all of 'm :-)
It was like a shopping marathon.Starting at 10.00am all teh way to 05.30pm. Just about a day of work.
Then we drove back. Stopped for dinner on the way and I fell asleepvery early again. I think at around nine again. Ofcourse an early wake up again. And then KArin sai,well there is 24/7 gym not to fare from the hotel ... sooooooo at 05.00am we were running and doing some weight training... hahahaha.... and it felt really good. That afternoon we went had lunch downtown and then drove to the airport to check in for our flight. Man it was busy ..... very crowded flight. But finally we are on our way to NEW ZEALAND!!!
14 January 2009
12 January 2009
Part of Life ....
04 January 2009
maar jij, jij ziet het niet
Jij blijft in mijn gedachten
en ergens ben ik aan het wachten
ik weet dat het veel beter is
wanneer ik jou uit mijn gedachten ban
maar als ik denk aan dát gemis.....
ik denk niet dat ik het wil of kan
Jij, je hebt íets met mij gedaan
ik wil er nu altijd voor je staan
daar kan ik niet van weg lopen
waarom blijf ik nou toch hopen?
hopen tegen beter weten in
mijn verstand zegt....meis, het heeft geen zin
maar mijn hartje klopt voor jou
Ik voel nu alleen de kou
De kou, de pijn en tranen
Ik probeer ze te verdringen
ver van alles weg te stoppen
en denk alleen aan leuke dingen
Maar juist de leuke dingen zou ik graag delen
met jou en niemand anders
Voor mij ben jij er één uit een miljoen
Is er nog iets wat ik kan doen?