16 July 2009

Long time ago....

Many reasons why I haven't been blogging for a while.
Maybe not a lot of interesting stuff to tell, too busy to make time, it's summer and the weather has been awesome. I have been working a lot at KLM, but also teaching my classes, ding module training and quarterlies...... mmmmm more excuses, or didn't I just feel like writing.
Well I don't know, but here I am again.
Pompadour was awesome, my very first trainer summit. It was very much worth it. I had a great time and learned so much.
First hous and hours in the bus going to Pompadour, then when were finally able to sleep, thinking that would be for about 2 hours, but it appeared to be only 5 mins, as there was a BP Masterclass straight away. So without any sleep, I got up from the bed again, took a shower an went straight into BP 71 ... Then a full day of workshops practising and finally presenting. Man, I was nervous..... presenting as 'baby' trainer, on a huge stage with so many experienced trainers, DVD presenters and even Phillips Mills and Steven Renata in the class. And ofcourse in english, without any sleep ...... I think I can be proud of myself that I did it...... Yeah!!!

The next day was about the same, but then for BA. I did not present BA as each trainer was only presenting one program.
Both evenings filled with parties and lots of buffalo's :-)
It was awesome!!!!!

Further on, I have been enjoying this great summer we have here this year. Going to the beach, spending time at the boat of my parents. Staying up late, eating out in the backyard with friends, drinking wine and then thinking: man, I gotta get up at 4.30 to go to work again.....
Yep that's life here at the moment.

I am preparing now for the quarterlies coming up in August. Last week I received BP71, now I'm learning choreo again. Almost got the whole thing.

Another thing, I have started running, yessss, running. Can't say I really like it, but it's a good training for BA and BS. And I will be taking part in the WARR. This is a race which is organized in the airline industry yearly and now is organized in China, Hangzhou, near Shanghai. One of my colleagues has been participating for a couple of years now, and she kept asking if I wanted to join her. Since I had never run b4, this never seemed to be a good idea. But this year I decided it would be agood thing to train for. I will be doing the 10k run. It'll be fun, but it's still a struggle for me to go get up and run. Once I'm running I'm okay, and I do kind or like it then. But just te moment of getting up, change and get my running shoes .... mmmmm. Will I ever get over this?
Well next time a bit more about this. Now I have to go change and go get my bike to go to the gym. BP and BA tonight.... which is no struggle :-)


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