25 June 2007

Busy week

What a week. Teaching 5 BA classes, 5 BP classes, 1 BC class and a couple of 15 mins Abdominal trainings. Let me tell you .. I'm tired, as my work at the airport is going on too. Some social stuff in between, birthdays, parents visit and best of all: a relaxing day on friday in a Wellness Center in Bleiswijk with one of my best friends. That was a good break before Saturday's launch. Oh and before I forget, I bought a new car this week. Not a new new car, but for me it's new. I get it by the end of this week and I'm really excited. I also heard we get a Starbucks at the Airport ..... yesssss... can't wait for a Vanilla Latte :-) Don't have a lot of time to write at this time as I actually was in the middle of a assessment tape and I need to go to work in 15 mins. No early shift today, I was already glad they were so kind to adjust my late shift to a day shift so I can teach my classes tonight. I just love my monday classes. People are excited, working really hard... there's Monday BODYATTACK fire in the studio!
I'm off to work... see ya!

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