16 May 2006


Yeahh, last weekend we had our 2nd quarterly workout of 2006. BP 58, BA 53 and BC 28 were presented by our mastertrainers. It was awesome. I can't say anything then that I love BA 53, great warm up with open your heart. It really gives good performance opportunities to start your class. I already did some tracks of BA 53 during my stay in Auckland, but at that time the big studio and de large number of people in the class were already so impressive that I had forgotten most things of the choreo/music at that time. At the quarterly one of the presenters came up to me and asked me to take place on one of the smaller side stages... sure, no problem. I had a good time up there :-) I really liked the squat track of BP 57, so I was happy to find out that track 3 of BA 53 again takes us from Paris to Berlin, just in a higher speed now.
BP 58 is really emphasizing the position of the shoulders. This will give more effective use of the muscles and this will people to develop a better bodyposition. Als the new move, mac raise was shown and explained. Feels good :-). I always like to do the shoulder tracks.
BC 28 brings back the jump kick, together with lots of other good combinations of fast moves kicks. Can't wait for the launch at the club. There's no date set yet, but it will probably be somewhere near the end of june.

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