16 May 2006


Yeahh, last weekend we had our 2nd quarterly workout of 2006. BP 58, BA 53 and BC 28 were presented by our mastertrainers. It was awesome. I can't say anything then that I love BA 53, great warm up with open your heart. It really gives good performance opportunities to start your class. I already did some tracks of BA 53 during my stay in Auckland, but at that time the big studio and de large number of people in the class were already so impressive that I had forgotten most things of the choreo/music at that time. At the quarterly one of the presenters came up to me and asked me to take place on one of the smaller side stages... sure, no problem. I had a good time up there :-) I really liked the squat track of BP 57, so I was happy to find out that track 3 of BA 53 again takes us from Paris to Berlin, just in a higher speed now.
BP 58 is really emphasizing the position of the shoulders. This will give more effective use of the muscles and this will people to develop a better bodyposition. Als the new move, mac raise was shown and explained. Feels good :-). I always like to do the shoulder tracks.
BC 28 brings back the jump kick, together with lots of other good combinations of fast moves kicks. Can't wait for the launch at the club. There's no date set yet, but it will probably be somewhere near the end of june.

07 May 2006


Yesterday we had the bachelorette party of my friend who's getting married next week. We picked her up from the gym were she was playing tennis with her dad. She sort of expected the party this weekend, as she's getting married friday, but it still was a surprise when we picked her up. Before that I teached Bodyattack and Bodypump class and then had to hurry to go our other gym were we also have the tennis club. The sun was shining so we had picked a really good day. We were going to Scheveningen. Unfortunately the traffic was really bad. They closed one road, so that was one of the reasons why it was so busy, but also because of the weather. Scheveningen is one of the beaches, so lots of people decided to enjoy this nice day and go the beach. My friend likes painting a lot, so we decided to go painting. We started with a high tea and fininshed with a really, really good dinner. The painting in between, well I will not tell all secrets, but we had this good looking male model...... I felt a kind of sorry for him.... 12 girls giggling the whole time :-). After dinner we went to a bar danced, had a few drinks and then went back home. My freind enjoyed her day and so did we.

This morning I had some problems waking up, but I had to get out of bed for sunday's Bodypump. Now, later in the afternoon, I'm glad I teach classes, as it feels good that I worked out this morning. If I would only be following the class, I don't think I would have gone. It wasn't very crowded, but the people enjoyed the mix I made with old tracks. As allways it was a nice sunday morning Bodypump. After class we sat outside and had a few coffees and enjoyed the sun. It feels so good finally having the sun out. Even though is was late yesterday (or early this morning), the sun just gives me some extra energy! Tonight I'm going out for dinner with a few friends. We have picked this japanese restaurant. I never been at the place, so I'll just have to wait and see if it's good.

And then the weekend is over allready. It went by really fast. Next weekend I also have to full weekend of, which is good as our quarterly is coming up. Looking forward to that :-)) BP 58, BA 53 and BC 28 are waiting for us.

05 May 2006

Spring's coming up

Finally spring's coming up here in Holland. Monday was an awfull day with lots of rain, and I was actually longing for my wintercoat. But since wednesday there was an enormous change, from10 degrees it went all the way up to 25 degrees. Wow, and lucky me I had early shifts so I was able to enjoy the sun almost all afternoon. I decided to give my body a rest, and didn't go to the gym. I didn't have to teach any classes on wedsnesday anyways. So what I did instead was just laying in the sun with my I-pod and started to listen and learn some pretty old pump tracks. I know a lot of tracks from older pump CD's, but there are also some tracks which I hadn't played for years. I had a nice mix of old tracks for thursday's class put together. Tracks from 38, 43, 45. Some of the newer members had never heard them and thought is was playing a new CD. Thursday was also a nice day, but before pumpclass I still decided to do some bodyattack training as well, just on my own.
It was surprisingly busy on thursday night, considering it was a schoolholiday and also 4 may (remembrance day for WOII victims). We always hold 2 minutes silence at 20.00hrs on 4 may.
Bodypumpclass is from 18.30-19.30 so it finishes before 20.00, but still lot of people prefer to be at home or come together at different war memorial monuments or other places were they have some ceremonies. The last couple of years I went to the church which my grandpa was part of. He never returned form WOII sadly enough. For me it's pretty important to show respect and be silent for 2 minutes. So even though I was still at the gym, we sat down and remembered what had happened it the past. Actually nowadays it's not only WOII victims we remember but all people who offered themselves to go to any war, giving their lives for unknown people.
After that I had dinner at the gym with 2 friends. We sat outside till it got almost dark. The temperature was so nice outside, it actually felt like summer :-). I was glad I took my bike to the gym instead of the car, becaue it was so nice and warm even getting close to ten o'clock.

Today the weather was warm as well. I have been working at the ticketoffice for a full week now and I love it. Everyday is different, because different kinds of people are coming up to your desk al the time. I'm still learning lots of new stuff, so I'm pretty tired now after a full week of work. When I got home I sat outside for a while, reading a book and relax a bit. I did some shopping with my mom in the evening. A friend of mine is getting married next week and I still had to buy some clothes for that. I'm glad I finally found something nice, unfortunately I still do not have shoes to match my outfit :-(