30 January 2009

So good to be back!!!

Wow it feels so good to be back in NZ again. Having a great time. Jan has bene working very hard for his BB filming and when we got to the appartments he was waiting for us with some morning tea...... so sweet.
We arrived at 04.15 am and got to the appartments around 07.00am. We went straight on all day long. Did shopping, alked around the city, ofcourse joined Jan for BB and we also did BP.
BP70 is the most awesome release I think so far. For track 1 -10 all songs are great. I really must say... Glen you rock! BB is also very nice. Jan did very very well is his filiming class yesterday. He said he wasn't nervous at all....... amazing hey. The whole balance team looked good. They really were a team all the way thru. BP was jsut great. Jos and Dennis have arrived as well just on time for filming so they joined teh classes as well.
Yesterday evening we went for dinner with them. They got in in the afternoon went straight into filming classes after en 29hour flight and then of to dinner. The sent us a text this morning .... wide awake at 0600am ..... well we were to while we slept for about 5 hours orso ...hhahaha
Today is just an easy day. karin wasn;t feeling to good this morning, so I went to walk around on my own for a bit. I will do a BS class this afternoon and after that drinks at LMI with the Internationals and the rest of the Dutchies. We haven't seen them, except for Jos and Dennis.
We'll see.
I'm just loving every minute of my time here.


Roel said...


Good to hear from you, that you feel at home and utterly pleased with the things you do. The aerobic group, locally has to perform without your encouragement and accurate directions. it's different indeed, with all respect to your secondants. ENJOY it all best greetings. Roel

Anonymous said...

Hey Chantal! It's Caroline, the brand manager at LMI - it was nice to meet you at dinner this week.

I promised to send you information about our new campaign - here it it!

We have a video series about two friends who are on a mission to get their friend Kim to the gym. They have created a music video of their antics and posted it on YouTube … check it out here http://www.youtube.com/lesmillsandme

The girls have also got webpage, which is here: http://lesmillsandme.ning.com/

We have a bloggers 'roll of honour' and would love to feature yours. Is that cool? We've also got a "button" that you can publish, so let me know if you're keen.

Drop me a line at caroline@lesmills.com

Any other bloggers or group admins, feel free to get in touch!