You & Me
Is het ooit nog
Meant to be?
Jij en ik
Is het te laat
kan het niet meer?
Mijn gevoel heeft eindelijk gewonnen
Mijn verstand dat heb ik laten gaan
Nu vraag ik me af
Waarom, waarom heb ik dat gedaan?
Je hebt me laten voelen
Je hebt me laten zien
Jij zei tegen mij: "Durf nu eens te leven
Durf jezelf te geven
"Het moment dat ik van jou leerde
was het moment dat jij je rug toekeerde
Wat is er mis, ik weet hiet niet
Mijn tranen laat ik lopen
dit is mijn verdriet.
Is het echt te laat?
Of ben jij nu bang?
Bang voor wat er komen gaat
1 ding wil ik jou dan geven
Dat is: "Lieve schat..... durf te leven"
15 December 2008
01 September 2008
21 August 2008
Another quote:
You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want
18 August 2008
Quote of the day:
"The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes, without speaking, confess the secrets of the heart."
10 August 2008
08 August 2008
Start small
Even the smallest accomplishment has great value,because it sets in motion a positive momentum. Once you begin to create value, you easily and naturally move toward creating even more value. The best thing about success is that it provides greater opportunity for even more success.
Go ahead and start small, and if you're unable to start small, then start tiny. The point is, do whatever you can with whatever you have, and that will be plenty to get you moving in a positive, productive direction.
There is always something you can do. There is always some small step forward that you can make right now. Your ability to accomplish does not get used up. In fact, the more you use it, the more powerful it grows.
Create a little bit of success, and experience how great it feels. From that positive, empowered place, there's no limit to where you can go.
Go ahead and start small, and if you're unable to start small, then start tiny. The point is, do whatever you can with whatever you have, and that will be plenty to get you moving in a positive, productive direction.
There is always something you can do. There is always some small step forward that you can make right now. Your ability to accomplish does not get used up. In fact, the more you use it, the more powerful it grows.
Create a little bit of success, and experience how great it feels. From that positive, empowered place, there's no limit to where you can go.
03 August 2008
San Francisco
Fun, shopping, sightseeing and eating, All of a sudden it was 48 hours after arrival and we had to go home again. Great short break it was!!!
27 July 2008
BODYSTEP & Driving
My new addiction: BODYSTEP.I just have completed the BODYSTEP module training. LOve the program, enjoyed the training and it was good to see my trainee colleague Bas do his presentations during the module.Again following a moduel training it made me very much aware how participants feel during the training and right before their track presentations. The track I had to present was track 6, one of the peak tracks, "shut up and drive". Well for me this week was all about cars, but not all abou driving. Tuesday on my way back home from the gym I probablt got a speeding ticket. I was listening to my step track, going thru the scripting etc in the car and all of a sudden I saw the flash.... SHOOT. man, I know where this machine is, but because I was so busy with my choreo/scripting for my Shut of a drive track I forgot to take my foot of the gass pedal. Well I guess I should have shut up and jsut drive. But anyway.Friday evening I got home a parked my car, again the music was on, so I didn;t notice the reminder that I left my lights on...Saturday morning 04.55, I couldn;t start the car .... yeah right! I ran upstairs again got my lock for my bike hopped on my bike to take a sprint to the Airport. NOT Funny as I was wearing my uniform already and I had to start working at 05.30. It's only 8 km, but racing my regular bike, wearing my uniform an carrying a rather big back weren't very helpfull things to go faster. Almost there a huge motorbike drove on to the Bikerpath .... man that scared me, but then I noticed it was Police.... SHOOT, I didn't have my lights. It was still pretty dark and in my rush I forgot to grab the lights for my bike (I got separate lights which you click on and off the bike)It was a pretty funny conversation. He stopped me and said: Goodmorning lady, how come your bike doesn't have any lights? Well I said, because the lights of my car were on all night. I saw His face and explained fruther that my car wouldn't start because I forgot to turn of the lights yesterday evening, and therefore quickly grabbed my bike and started my race to Schiphol to be on time for work. (there's no public transport that early)The he asked, how come your sweating .. yeah right it was very humid, already like 25 celcius and no wind. Well anyway after he gave me a lecture about safety etc, he let me go. Still made it on time for work, but it took me about 30 minutes, 2 bottles of water to get back to normal temperatures again. Man, I was sweating like .... well whatever. So that's my week for traffic & driving. I guess I jsut have to shut up.Off to San Francisco tomorrow. Only for 2 full days, but at least it's a bit of break!I'm joining a friend of who is a cabin attendant and she has a trip to SFO.
23 July 2008
17 July 2008
It's raining ......
Unfortunately some bad news. Due to the bad weather forecast BODYPUMP on the beach 2008 has been postponed. I just received a phonecall. I'm a little disappointed, but the forecast willbe strong winds, rain and maybe thunderstorms. Because we want safety for our participants first, the organisation decided to cancel for Saturday and postpone the event to a later date in August. I will keep you posted about this.
I'm sad right now :-(
I'm sad right now :-(
19 June 2008
Remember BP on the beach??!!!
Here we go again. It's been 2 years, but we're back with BODYPUMP on the beach. 19 July in Zandvoort. Don't miss out on this: BE THERE!!!!

BODYPUMP on the beach
16.15 - 16.45 Voorprogramma
16.45 - 17.00 Dancers on stage
17.00 - 18.00 Kick off BODYPUMP on the beach
BODYPUMP on the beach
16.15 - 16.45 Voorprogramma
16.45 - 17.00 Dancers on stage
17.00 - 18.00 Kick off BODYPUMP on the beach
10 June 2008
Quarterly 2, Vleuten 18 may
27 April 2008
Yesterday @ Work
Chaos at the airport .... first day of a 2-week school holiday. It has been in the news several times that all people travelling this weekend should be at the airport early as it was going to be the busiest day. Why? Well over summer schoolholidays start at a different time for each area, this Spring holiday? Well all the schools have these coming 2 weeks off, so everyone in the country planned to leave this weekend. Even though it has been in the news... Dutch people (with children) wonder: How come all these people are here? No kidding ... I had people come up to me with this question .......

ps And still there are people complaining about the economy?
27 February 2008
Time goes by ....
.... so slowly! Yes, I'm in the nightshift, listening to the radio and the song playing right now is Hung up. The lyrics start with "Time goes by so slowly", and indeed it does. It's very quiet. Haven't really been doing a whole bunch of KLM work, since there isn't any. Luckily I brought some tapes to assess, so I have been doing that untill now. Tomorrow when I wake up I will finish the action plans of the two tapes I have just been watching. Don't really feel like doing it now. The radio is playing all these different songs which I can place in a lot of Les Mills programs. It makes it so hard to sit still, but since I'm wearing my uniform with pumps instead of sneakers I'm not really able to work out hahaha. Wish I could, as it would be a nice way to kill some time. Man, I think this is the first nightshift that has been as quiet as this one. It's hard to stay awake like this, especially since this is the first night out of three. Friday morning my weekend will start. In the afternoon I will be going to Roosendaal already with Claudia, do some shopping, relax, go to a wellness center, have dinner etc. Saturday assessment at the Roosendaal quarterly and in the evening I will be visiting friends of mine who live near Roosendaal. I haven't seen them for quite some time, so it'll be good to catch up.
19 February 2008
Quarterly 01, 2008
Quarterly time again!
BP 65, BA 60, BB 40, BC 35!
No real surprises for me this time, as I was in NZ in November, but still awesome releases and a great generic workshop: "Team teaching with music".
This time I went to Zwolle, man, that's too far. I remember saying last year, I'm not going there again, but this time I did not really have choice as I won't be able to do all my Master classes in Nieuwegein, and I'm doing assessment in Roosendaal. Well anyway, at 6.45 I was on my way to Zwolle, to be in time for BP. Of course I got lost in the City, but I managed to be there on time to do assessment for the first BP master class. Man, It was F*ing freezing cold. Outside it was -8 Celsius, but I think inside it was about the same. 2 long sleeve shirts weren't enough. I could see people wear all sweats etc during the class; I don't think anyone really got as warm as they usually do. My own master classes started at 12.00. BB at first. NOT funny, the place got a bit warmer, but still too cold to do a comfortable BB master class. Usually I start to sweat during the strength track, but now I was just about to feel my toes again. After BB I had to do BA. I was looking forward to it (Hopping to get warm). Well I got warmer, but during track 3 I still wasn't warm enough and I hurt my calf. NOT funny. I love this celebration release and I wanted to give all I had. I did anyways, but I think I would have been better when I hadn't done that, as Monday when I woke up it was completely stiff and it was painful to walk.
Well let's get back to the quarterly; of course I did BC and BP also. BC 35 is a great training work out, simple moves, lots of repetitions: Awesome!
BP is great to! Powerful uplifting music to help you through the workout. I already knew the release, because I have been assisting a BP module training last weekend with Renate. Release yourself and BP is just a way of life to warm you up. Heavy beats bring you back to squat paradise and make you want to lift more, so you will burn more. Chest makes me want to sing along, I'm so sorry for the members in my class :-). No breaks, just keep going. I love the back track, with lots of triple rows for the upper back. Great music, familiar for my BA fans in class.
Groovy song for triceps, with a new three point transition. Great move, too bad it's only used as a transition. Biceps: totally not my kind music, and since a definitely do not like to do biceps either, you probably think by now that I hate this track. WRONG! I love it, it is totally biceps!!! I think it's a bit easier than the previous release. Lunge: back to work. Man, it's a tough one. Could feel butt the day after! Chest: This is definitely one to turn up the music!!!! Hard work! I'm glad push ups are back. Mac raise is back in town as well. In addition to all of this we have good abdominal track. It's not an easy one, but I like it as it's very different again. To finish the workout, the cool down song, personally caught me the first time I heard it. Don't know why, but I love it and it really calms me down after this great workout.
BP 65, BA 60, BB 40, BC 35!
No real surprises for me this time, as I was in NZ in November, but still awesome releases and a great generic workshop: "Team teaching with music".
This time I went to Zwolle, man, that's too far. I remember saying last year, I'm not going there again, but this time I did not really have choice as I won't be able to do all my Master classes in Nieuwegein, and I'm doing assessment in Roosendaal. Well anyway, at 6.45 I was on my way to Zwolle, to be in time for BP. Of course I got lost in the City, but I managed to be there on time to do assessment for the first BP master class. Man, It was F*ing freezing cold. Outside it was -8 Celsius, but I think inside it was about the same. 2 long sleeve shirts weren't enough. I could see people wear all sweats etc during the class; I don't think anyone really got as warm as they usually do. My own master classes started at 12.00. BB at first. NOT funny, the place got a bit warmer, but still too cold to do a comfortable BB master class. Usually I start to sweat during the strength track, but now I was just about to feel my toes again. After BB I had to do BA. I was looking forward to it (Hopping to get warm). Well I got warmer, but during track 3 I still wasn't warm enough and I hurt my calf. NOT funny. I love this celebration release and I wanted to give all I had. I did anyways, but I think I would have been better when I hadn't done that, as Monday when I woke up it was completely stiff and it was painful to walk.
Well let's get back to the quarterly; of course I did BC and BP also. BC 35 is a great training work out, simple moves, lots of repetitions: Awesome!
BP is great to! Powerful uplifting music to help you through the workout. I already knew the release, because I have been assisting a BP module training last weekend with Renate. Release yourself and BP is just a way of life to warm you up. Heavy beats bring you back to squat paradise and make you want to lift more, so you will burn more. Chest makes me want to sing along, I'm so sorry for the members in my class :-). No breaks, just keep going. I love the back track, with lots of triple rows for the upper back. Great music, familiar for my BA fans in class.
Groovy song for triceps, with a new three point transition. Great move, too bad it's only used as a transition. Biceps: totally not my kind music, and since a definitely do not like to do biceps either, you probably think by now that I hate this track. WRONG! I love it, it is totally biceps!!! I think it's a bit easier than the previous release. Lunge: back to work. Man, it's a tough one. Could feel butt the day after! Chest: This is definitely one to turn up the music!!!! Hard work! I'm glad push ups are back. Mac raise is back in town as well. In addition to all of this we have good abdominal track. It's not an easy one, but I like it as it's very different again. To finish the workout, the cool down song, personally caught me the first time I heard it. Don't know why, but I love it and it really calms me down after this great workout.
13 February 2008
01 January 2008
And here we've made it to 2008 as well.
I wish everybody
1 Happy New Year
12 Beautiful Months
365 Memorable Days
Make the best out of it every single moment.
I'm of to work now. No sleep, so it will be a tough day. Just got home, showered, changed and now killing a few minutes as I still have a few minutes before I have to go!
Big hug for all of you!
I wish everybody
1 Happy New Year
12 Beautiful Months
365 Memorable Days
Make the best out of it every single moment.
I'm of to work now. No sleep, so it will be a tough day. Just got home, showered, changed and now killing a few minutes as I still have a few minutes before I have to go!
Big hug for all of you!
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