Don't you hate it when you're @ work and computers, printers, machines and/or any other technical stuff doesn't work. Well I DO!!! Same thing goes for the gym headsets, batteries, old CD's or the stereo, these things just must work properly!
Well monday was one of those days where it didn't :-(
In the middle of BA track 3 the music stopped and the headset stopped. Tried to make the class go for a bit while trying to get the thing to work again. Can tell you BODYATTACK without music is no fun and it's even harder. All of a sudden the thing started again and it was the end of the track. Same thing track 4, and again track 5. In all of this I already switched from Ipod to CD, but the problem stayed. By the time we were at track 5, I had figured to keep on going and try to stay with the timing and near the end of the track the music started again and we finished with music. Track 6 & 7 were fine and it started again with 8, again I kept going and again when the music started again it was the exact right timing. Wow, I was kind of proud of myself for staying in the right speed! Well this kept on going. The people worked really hard, but it's such a bugger when things like this happen and you're not able to solve the problem. I heard In the BODYJAM class they had the same problem too, so I was glad it wasn't just me. But with classes like this the music is soooooooo important, and it takes so much away when it isn't there. I was really glad the people stayed motivated and did such a good job. Thanks you guys.
After I was finished I spoke to the group fitness coordinator and I can tell you: He knows I wasn't pleased by this. Spoke to him today again and they now think they know what the problem is. The thing was overheated... someone left the stereo on all day after the morning classes. %#$*)(*#(@ Well I think I know another problem .... it's old and maybe it's time for a new one. The weirdest thing was ..... I did not have a single problem during BP class after BA, but maybe that's because you stop the music after each track. Well let's hope it's all solved by tomorrow.