13 February 2007

It's been a while .....

I'm back again!!! I know it has been a while, but I have been quite busy. What have I done? Well, I had a week off of work. I wasn't quite sure what to do. First I wanted to go on holiday for a week, but then I decided it was better not to do that, as I'm still thinking of going to NZ at the end of march. Then I finally made up my mind. In October I already bought a new parquet floor for my house, but it was just waiting ever since to be put on the floor in my house. Well, since the weather was very bad and my that was so very very nice to help me out, we have been doing this for the last couple of days (week). And I'm soooooo very happy with it. It was quite a job to do, but I think Bob the builder would be proud of me. Everything is done now. All the carpet in the 2 bedrooms is gone, and now I got a nice wooden floor thru my whole apartment. I have been throwing away a lot of stuff, and I'm going to empty more closets.... Wow, what a person can safe thru the years.. all junk. Still I find it hard to throw away stuff, but I did pretty good. I will never throw away my swimming memories. We used to give team members little gifts for good luck right before a competition, and I still got all of that. And of course all my medals.... the older you get, the more you appreciate it I think.
But a well, to get back to the house, I just need to do some cleaning, but most of it is done now. I stayed at my parents house for 4 days, and last night was the first in my own house again. It was good to be back, even though I love my mom and dad, I'm glad I back to my own place again. This morning a bought a new TV table, and I have put the old one (which was huge) in my spare room. I'll try to upload some pictures later this week, when it 's all really finished.

In the mean time I had one evening of of teaching my classes (last Thursday), but the Monday's I have been doing my BA and BP classes as normal. I was exhausted. I'm not used to do physical work all day, but now I did and after that teaching BA... denggg... I was dead! But still had to BP after that.
Which brings me to a little challenge we have amongst a couple of BP instructors here. My friend Claudia who teaches at Achmea was challenged by a guy from Fitness First, to do the shoulder track with 7,5 kg each side. Then she challenged me to do the same thing, so for the last 2 weeks I have been doing that. It's getting better now. I even have a couple of guys joining me in raising the weights as well. Good job guys!

This Thursday I won;t be teaching my class either, 'cause I have a late shift. I will be teaching in the morning BA and BB. It'll be my first BB class all by myself..... I already start to get nervous.

Oohhh and wow.... my friend Claudia already saw the choreography notes for BP 61 (we have a quarterly's next weekend and the weekend after that), and she said my picture was in there!!
First I didn't believe here, but then she took a picture with here phone and sent it to me. Pretty cool isn't it??

Talk to you later.

1 comment:

Reymond said...

Wow... Now you can apply for a job as Les Mills fitness model. Looking good :)